A few of the photographs can be viewed at Keith Green's web site Send comments at the contact address at the site.

In honor of the Ramones induction into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame was presented a photo essay by Keith Green titled DeeDee Ramone: Cold Turkey at the Chelsea Hotel in March 2, 2002.
Arturo Vega was guest Curator for the event and he showed 2 paintings that he and Dee Dee Ramone Collaborated on. Another party was March 9, 2002 at Tja!, 301 Church Street, NY. Party started at 10pm.

AFTER OUR BELOVED DEE DEE PASSED AWAY, The Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, recently purchased one of Keith Green's 16x20 exhibition photographs of Dee Dee, to be exhibited as part of a memorial exhibition.

Read more of Dee Dee's Chelsea Horror Hotel book here.


ADDRESS TO THE EXHIBITION WAS: Tribeca Studios, 145 Hudson Street, 1h Floor, NYC.

Exhibition was awesome! I urge all Ramones fans to check it out. The photos are definately a rock n' roll treasure and high quality. They are these cool black and white photos, very documentary like. Of all the photographs I've ever seen of Dee Dee (let alone of the Ramones), These are among the best pictures yet. You can really get an idea of Dee Dee's personality when you look at these pictures.

My favorite of them all is where Dee Dee is standing on the balcony of the Chelsea Hotel holding a guitar, with the hotel sign in the background and the streets of New York below. It's a classic!!!!

There is a bio at the exhibition that tells of how the photographer, Keith Green, met Dee Dee in a bar in the East Village one night and then began taking these cool!!! pictures. I think I am going to see them again with my friends pretty soon. Oh ,there is another picture that's great, and supercool. It's an enlargement of a contact sheet with 5 or 6 pictures of Dee Dee without his shirt. You can see all of his cool tattoos.

(Thanks of the review Eva Richardson)

BIOGRAPHY: "Cold Turkey at the Chelsea"
Poison Heart - Dee Dee Ramone

In the Fall of 1992, Dee Dee Ramone arrived in New York, from London and checked into the Chelsea Hotel. A long time bastion for famous artists and musicians, the Chelsea provided a place of solitude and introspection. For Dee Dee, this was a time for much needed recovery and a period of solace.

During the summer of the following year, I met Dee Dee one evening in an East Village bar. During the conversation, (over a glass of Coke), Dee Dee spoke with excitement of his life, free of the Ramones, and of an autobiography that he was in the process of writing. Seeing a great opportunity for a photographic essay, I asked if I could come to his room at the Chelsea to photograph him. He eagerly obliged.

Over a three month period of photo sessions and lots of "hang out" sessions, Dee Dee revealed his inner most thoughts of life with and without the Ramones. At the time of these photo sessions, Dee Dee completed the first drafts of his book that would eventually become "Poison Heart"(Surviving The Ramones). To my knowledge, these are the only intimate images of Dee Dee depicting his period of recovery at the Chelsea.

Photographing Dee Dee Ramone was quite a pleasurable experience. Dee Dee is probably the most unpretentious rock star that one will ever meet. There is an enormous degree of honesty in the way he lives his life. I think these photographs reveal this quality.

Keith Green