Released in January, 2005.

This is the biggest worldwide tribute to our heroes! Todos Somos Ramones is composed/ released by Rockaway Records (from Buenos Aires, Argentina) and behind of it are guys who are/were good and close friends with our heroes. And who are widely respected, think would they have got this tracklisting otherwise? DoubleCD is mastered by Ed Stasium (long time Ramones producer) and comes in a deluxe packaging with a folder case and a 60 pages booklet similar to a Ramones anthology box set on Rhino Records from a few years back called Hey Ho Let's Go, the booklet has over 100 never before seen photos of the Ramones, information about all bands featured and liner notes by Tommy Ramone himself! Dr. Donna Gaines also wrote some liner notes. Cover is by Gonzalo Facio. This has 58 songs s`panned over 2 CD's set and over 2 hours of music! Songs from all 13 Ramones original studio albums are covered + some B-sides and unreleased tracks too.

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DoubleCD release - full tracklisting.
1.Sylvain Sylvain + She Wolves: Sheena Is A Punk Rocker (USA)
2.The Adicts: I Wanna Be Sedated (England)
3.Moondogs: Babysitter (Ireland)
4.Blackfire: I Believe In Miracles (USA)
5.Los Violadores: It's A Long Way Back To Germany (Argentina)
6.In Watermelon Sugar feat. Ed Stasium: Cretin Hop (USA)
7.The Boys: Touring (England)
8.Senzabenza: Bonzo Goes To Bitburg (Italy)
9.Freddy Lynxx: Here Today Gone Tomorrow (France)
10.Cadena Perpetua: Danny Says (Argentina)
11.Youth Gone Mad + Dee Dee Ramone: Blitzkrieg Bop (USA)
12.Hymans: Let's Go (Sweden (not Belgium like is informed in some places.)
13.The Gobshites: Questioningly (USA)
14.The Independents + Joey Ramone: Garden Of Serenity (USA)
15.Plan 4: Somebody Put Something In My Drink (Argentina)
16.Los Acusicas feat. Silvia Superstar: 7 11 (Spain)
17.Snails Of Finland & Jari-Pekka Laitio-Ramone: Slug (Finland)
18.Motosierra: Animal Boy (Uruguay)
19.Tequila Baby: She Belongs To Me (Brazil)
20.Historia del Crimen: She Talks To Rainbows (Argentina)
21.The Lurkers: I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend (England)
22.Lolita 18: Rockaway Beach (Japan)
23.Collider: I Can't Make It On Time (USA)
24.Romeros: Sitting In My Room (Germany)
25.Stop feat. Mickey Leigh: Outsider (USA)
26.Mariano Martinez: Elevator Operator (Argentina)
27.Airport feat. Tony Barber (Buzzcocks): I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement (England)

1.Jet Set Go feat. Barbara Zampini: Howling At The Moon (Argentina/USA)
2.Short Circuit: Ramona (Japan)
3.Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers: Chinese Rocks (USA)
4.Sonny Vincent: I Just Want To Have Something To Do (USA)
5.Al Maddy + Ivan Julian: I Want You Around (USA)
6.Shock Treatment: Chainsaw (Spain)
7.Revolucion: Havana Affair (Argentina)
8.Lambrusco Kids: Suzy Is A Headbanger (Brazil)
9.White Trash Debutantes: Judy Is A Punk (USA)
10.Fuzztones: 53rd & 3rd (USA)
11.The Huntingtons: Why Is It Always This Way (USA)
12.Meat Depressed: Go Home Ann (USA)
13.Die Arzte: The KKK Took My Baby Away (Germany)
14.Bien Desocupados + CJ Ramone: Punishment Fits The Crime (Argentina/USA)
15.The Bullys: Beat On The Brat (USA)
16.Stiv Bator: Poison Heart (USA)
17.Fifi & Mach III: Commando (Japan)
18.Goin' Places: Oh Oh I Love Her So (USA)
19.Nutley Brass: Something To Believe In (USA)
20.Doble Fuerza: Chasing The Night (Argentina)
21.Airbag: Loudmouth (Spain)
22.Expulsados: Mental Hell (Argentina)
23.Generation N: I Wanna Live (Germany)
24.Espias Secretos: She's A Sensation (Argentina)
25.Trotsky Vengaran: Got A Lot To Say (Uruguay)
26.Alternative TV: Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue (England)
27.The Vigilantes: Somebody Like Me (Sweden)
28.Carbona: Love Kills (Brazil)
29.Blackfire: Planet Earth 1988 (USA)
30.Devil Dolls: Fill My Cup (Argentina)
31.Furious George: Pinhead (USA)


There was listening party of Todos Somos Ramones doubleCD at CBGB's 313 Gallery, NYC on Friday April 8, 2005 between 7.00PM and 9.00PM. Copies were on sale and it was really cool fan meeting. Also Tommy Ramone, Daniel Rey, Danny Fields, Ivan Julian etc. were there.


At first, this is full of love! I had really high expectations of this because man behind this (Mariano Asch) really knows how to build tribute without dollar pics in his eyes. You can't smell any money-making spirit of this Todos Somos Ramones. So Todos Somos Ramones has 58 tracks and this is not only a tribute, because you can hear real Dee Dee with Youth Gone Mad and real Joey together with The Independents. Also our heroes are in some other tracks. CJ Ramone and Bien Desocupados are behind of Punishment Fits The Crime and Dee Dee's wife Barbara Zampini recorded together with Jet Set Go song Howling At The Moon.
The 2 CD set comes in a deluxe folder box case with a 60 pages booklet. Cover drawing is by Gonzalo Facio. It looks :) , booklet is filled with liner notes by Tommy Ramone and Dr. Donna Gaines, big amount of rare photos and introductions of each band + also many wrote their memories or feelings of the Ramones. I was following this project pretty closely. I also helped Mariano with really many things, like he asked me to send queries for some photographers (booklet also has some photos taken by me) or artists if they wanna be part of this project and of course I promoted tribute album often in advance and also that way bands contacted Mariano etc. We couldn't find answers for everything like who does interview in a bootlegLP Bonzo Goes To Gothenburg. Mariano cutted comments for example from that interview to the "intros" for many songs, like Joey's supportive words concerning his brother Mickey fits well before comes Stop Featuring Mickey Leigh, they do artistic slowed-down version of Outsider. It and also some other versions are already familiar for diehard Ramones fans from different releases, but probably "secret gems" for many newer fans. Intro speeches are in this release with style, they aren't too long if you think that you do listen this doubleCD often.
Songs from all 13 Ramones original Ramones studio albums are covered. This is mastered in the USA by Ed Stasium, the most famous and best Ramones producer ever who produced LP's Leave Home, It's Alive, Too Tough To Die, Mondo Bizarro and worked on Rocket to Russia and End of the Century.
I was surprised to notice that Tequila Baby does She Belongs To Me, I was waiting them to cover some faster song, but then I did notice that their version takes only 1.57, original Ramones version is 3.57. They even has one slower moment before that lovely song ends.... Sylvain Sylvain (of New York Dolls) & She Wolves got honour to get opening place in Todos Somos Ramones and they do vice versa than Tequila Baby. Sylvain Sylvain & She Wolves chose Sheena Is A Punk Rocker, and it takes 3.40 (original 2.45). Version is catchy and rough in a good way, background vocals gets special praises and it's easy to believe Sylvain Sylvain when he sings: "Well New York City really has is all oh yeah, oh yeah." Btw, version is recorded by Paul Kostabi in October, 2003. The Adicts are next, sadly their version of I Wanna Be Sedated doesn't fit after great version of Sheena Is A Punk Rocker. The Adicts really doesn't get I Wanna Be Sedated to fly. Third is Babysitter by The Moondogs and fourth I Believe In Miracles by Blackfire, their undertakings are much more successful and touching. Blackfire does also Planet Earth 1988 in CD2. Lolita No.18 does really sympathetic version of Rockaway Beach, especially singer Masayo is cool. Btw, Joey and Daniel Rey sang some background vocals on it.
This 2CD set has all kind of styles, like Freddy Lynxx gives to the world lovely (mostly) acoustic version of Here Today, Gone Tomorrow, Airport Featuring Tony Barber (Buzzcocks) surprises with some kind of psychedelia-elektropop track of I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement, positive and short shock treatment of Chainsaw in Spanish is by (surprise) Shock Treatment... etc. Can you imagine slow syrup version of 53rd & 3rd..., oh no will be the first feeling, but Fuzztones knew how to do it right. Spirit of Joey is strongly in your ears when you listen Elevator Operator by Mariano Mar77inez of Attaque 77. He also plays all instruments on it. Elevator Operator is originally Ramones demo song. This 2CD set is featuring also many other not so common tracks, like Go Home Ann by Meat Depressed and SLUG by me and Snails Of Finland. Todos Somos Ramones also has Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers (Chinese Rocks) and Stiv Bator (Poison Heart). I can only imagine how much it means for so many people who are in this tribute to be in a same release with Joey, Dee Dee, CJ, Johnny Thunders, Stiv Bator.... You know it Mariano. Thanks with sweetest hugs my friend.